Model Tips - Be Professional

Getting into modeling is not an easy task. You have to be a professional through and through. Answer phone calls. Return voicemails and emails promptly. There is no excuse to be 30 minutes late to a meeting, casting call, photo shoot. If anything, you should always be 15 minutes EARLY. This takes planning and time management skills. Aspiring models make a big mistake when they adopt the mentality of: "Well, I'm pretty enough to be a model, so I will just skate by with my looks alone and minimal effort." Many up-and-coming models of the past never worked another day in their life in the modeling industry after their unprofessionalism, lousy attitude, and reputation began to overshadow their beauty. Nobody wants to work with a diva. There are plenty of other beautiful girls in the world who WON'T be snotty or rude. When you book a job, you are representing both yourself and your agency. When you are on set, treat EVERYONE with respect.

If your makeup artist was given a specific directive, which she followed, but you hate the way she did your makeup… well, that's too bad. She did her job, so now do yours. Produce some killer photos, regardless of your makeup preference, and without saying mean things about the makeup artist to others. Respect and courtesy will take you a LONG way in your modeling career!

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