Take care of your skin, hair, body, and health. Like it or not, modeling is an aesthetically-driven industry, and beauty/ appearance is undeniably essential. (That being said, you can still make it as a commercial model regardless of physical beauty or body type.) However, for fashion models, the height/weight standards are more rigid and inflexible than with any other genre in modeling. There's not much you can do about genetics, but it IS up to you to make the most of the genetics you were given. To become a model, you must adhere to your thorough beauty regimen. Many supermodels use the following habits as part of their beauty routine, including but not limited to the following: drinking water like a fish throughout the day to stay hydrated and keep skin supple, not smoking, and, keeping alcohol to a minimum. Other habits include exfoliating/washing/moisturizing face every morning and evening, wearing SPF, never going to sleep in their makeup, regular manicures, and hair appoi...