
Showing posts from June, 2019

Model Tips - Time and Dedication

 Building your modeling career and portfolio takes time, effort and dedication. A model must be strong-minded and resilient to navigate the chaotic waters of the fashion industry. Confidence and a strong-will are the best weapons of self defense in this high-paced, ever evolving and fiercely competitive modeling world.

7 Tips For The Perfect Runway Walk For Female Models

The catwalk, easy to learn but can take a lifetime to master. However, what makes runway technique so interesting to me is how requires both outward and internal calibration. Physical balance, inner confidence and a sparkling personality are all necessary to make a charming performance. Whether you are in a haute couture assemble or voguing in a living room, here are a few tips to get you on the road to your inner diva.  7 Tips For The Perfect Runway Walk  1. Posture: Think tall. While walking, stand up straight leaning slightly back so your legs can go first. Keep your toes pointed forward, so they aren’t turned out. Then walk with one foot in front of the other as if walking on a tightrope.  2. Hips: Most people think you need to do a lot of hip swaying. Your hips will move naturally so exaggeration isn’t necessary. 3. Arms: Let your arms swing naturally. However, take care they are not too stiff or have big movement. The clothing you have on will help you...

How To Walk The Runway For Male Models

The male runway walk is a little different than the female runway walk. The main difference is that male models walk with their feet farther apart than their female counterparts. So instead of placing one foot in front of the other, like you’re walking on a line, keep your feet side-by-side at a close, yet natural, distance from one another. As well, try not to move your hips too much. All that sashaying back and forth is too feminine for most menswear designer’s tastes. Aside from these two major differences, the male runway walk is essentially the same:-When walking, don’t look down. Instead, look past the audience and focus on an imaginary spot. Don’t make eye contact or interact with the audience unless instructed to do so. -Take long, steady strides. -Let your arms swing naturally by your side. -Keep your mouth natural. -Practice good posture. Walk tall with your body straight and your shoulders back (your ears, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles should make one straight line). ...

Model Tips - Make yourself constantly look better

Take care of your skin, hair, body, and health. Like it or not, modeling is an aesthetically-driven industry, and beauty/ appearance is undeniably essential. (That being said, you can still make it as a commercial model regardless of physical beauty or body type.) However, for fashion models, the height/weight standards are more rigid and inflexible than with any other genre in modeling. There's not much you can do about genetics, but it IS up to you to make the most of the genetics you were given. To become a model, you must adhere to your thorough beauty regimen. Many supermodels use the following habits as part of their beauty routine, including but not limited to the following: drinking water like a fish throughout the day to stay hydrated and keep skin supple, not smoking, and, keeping alcohol to a minimum. Other habits include exfoliating/washing/moisturizing face every morning and evening, wearing SPF, never going to sleep in their makeup, regular manicures, and hair appoi...

Model Tips - Be Professional

Getting into modeling is not an easy task. You have to be a professional through and through. Answer phone calls. Return voicemails and emails promptly. There is no excuse to be 30 minutes late to a meeting, casting call, photo shoot. If anything, you should always be 15 minutes EARLY. This takes planning and time management skills. Aspiring models make a big mistake when they adopt the mentality of: "Well, I'm pretty enough to be a model, so I will just skate by with my looks alone and minimal effort." Many up-and-coming models of the past never worked another day in their life in the modeling industry after their unprofessionalism, lousy attitude, and reputation began to overshadow their beauty. Nobody wants to work with a diva. There are plenty of other beautiful girls in the world who WON'T be snotty or rude. When you book a job, you are representing both yourself and your agency. When you are on set, treat EVERYONE with respect. If your makeup artist...


Vip Exclusive Modelling Agency is an exciting new agency representing the hottest new models influencers available for brand photoshoots, fashion shows, personal appearances and events. We pride ourselves on providing a supportive, friendly environment models and talent to flourish as well as a full professional service for our clients. .

ViP Models Zimbabwe

VIP Exclusive Models Agency mission statement is to promote people’s value and sense of self-worth. Our models are charismatic, hard-working, loving and kind both towards themselves and the fashion industry. At VIP Exclusive models management, we pride ourselves in being strong-rooted and confident. Our passion and pleasure stem from striving to develop our models’ personality and charisma to enable them to fulfil their potential at a successful career. By asking nothing but the very best from ourselves, we manage to enhance our personalities and strong will to stay chic, classy, cozy and forward-looking all the while. We are zeroed in on providing our clients with a material aimed at expressing themselves and prospering with dignity and self-awareness. VIP Exclusive Models were brought into this fashion universe and into the world as a whole to make a difference and strive for excellence.

Model - Princess Sophie

Princess Sophie has built a lucrative career endorsing make-up, modeling and more. From the begining of the year , she is gaining more traction and she seemed destined to launch beauty trends and inspire casting directors. With and distinctively beauty features, Sophie never fades into the background.

Model - Slim Daddiy

Fashion Model, Editorial Model, Catalogue Model, Commercial Model Slim Daddiy is as humble as he is handsome . While he’ s one of the most snapped faces in the male modelling industry , he also steers clear of the kind of intense self -promotion . He can teach every man a thing or two about how to dress.

VIP Exclusive Models - Bookings

VIP Exclusive Agency is one of the top commercial modelling agencies in Zimbabwe. We pride ourselves on offering a bespoke and tailored service to all of our clients. Our professional and positive models, actors and special talents are ready and waiting to meet you.  For Models Bookings Contact:   Click here to book models via Whatsapp...   Click here to book via Email.....

Model - Yehlow Chynna

When it comes to high fashion trends,  unique walks, Yehlow Chynna is miles ahead of the pack. With an icy stare and a powerful stomp. Beneath the intensity, Yehlow Chaynna is a classic Afro Asian beauty. Her ability to deliver emotion is sure to serve her well once photographers get a hold of her.When it comes to high fashion trends,  unique walks, Yehlow Chynna is miles ahead of the pack. With an icy stare and a powerful stomp. Beneath the intensity, Yehlow Chaynna is a classic Afro Asian beauty. Her ability to deliver emotion is sure to serve her well once photographers get a hold of her.

Model - Lefa

Fashion Model, Web Model, Editorial Model, Commercial Model, Promotional Model There’ s no denying that Lefa is the whole package . Not only does the Hottie have a well-sculpted body and classically handsome face , but he also has a seriously dopper style .

Miss Winter 2019 Mutare - Saturday 08 June

Go stargazing, watch live models, see exhibition of Mutare's finest beauties, find out who will be crowned and more. This coming Weekend Mabvazuva Creative Hub and Precious Events will be presenting a glamourous winter warming, & heart throbbing Event "Miss Winter 2019 Mutare". Set in the beautiful Theather Of Courtald, with lots of family and young generation entertainment. Come & join others celebrating with the beauties of Mutare. Date - 08 June 2019 Venue - Courtald Theather Time - 3pm - 8pm See you you there!!!!!!